Here you will find a list of valuable resources related to post-secondary transition in general, as well as to transitioning to post-secondary education, with an brief explanation of what each resource is.
Student Resources: The following resources are meant to provide you with additional information and further exploration as you begin to explore your pathway to post-secondary education. Each of the following links will help you through your post-secondary transition process.
George Washington University - Heath Resource Center - Transitioning from High School to College
This resource provides you with a great overview of Section 504 and your rights as you transition to post-secondary education.
Office of Civil Rights - U.S. Department of Education​ - "Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities"
This is a great resource for you to learn more about your educational rights and responsibilities when it comes to post-secondary education.​
PACER Center: "ADA Q & A: Section 504 and Postsecondary Education"​
This is a great way to learn more about the laws and regulations that govern ​post-secondary education as well as to answer frequently asked questions about post-secondary education.
Going to College
This is an excellent resource meant to help you with the college planning and exploration process.​
Four Steps to College
This is a very easy to read, simple outline of guidelines and recommendations for how to get ready for college.​
Parent Resources: As a parent of a high school student with disabilities, I'm sure you have many questions about the next steps ahead for your child, as well as for yourself. This resource list is meant to hopefully address and alleviate any questions or concerns you might have.
U.S. Department of Education - Office of Civil Rights - "Dear Parent Letter"
This letter is meant to explain transition services to parents from the Office of Civil Right's perspec​tive.
Parent’s Guide to Transition from Diagnostic Center of Northern California
- This is an excellent resource that provides a good overview of transition services​.
Transition Guides/Resources: Additional resources that can provide you with more detailed information about rules, regulations, guidelines, and what other states are doing with regards to transition.
California Department of Education - Secondary Transition Planning
This website provides a list of resources and guidelines to help teachers, parents, and community organizations improve compliance with state and federal post-secondary regulations and improve outcomes.
Connecticut's Transition Training Manual and Resource Directory
Special education teachers are always learning from what colleagues and peers are ​doing. This guide and directory is a comprehensive guide to post-secondary transition.
Opening Doors to Postsecondary Education and Training
This is an excellent resource guide created by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. It provides guidelines, planning tips, a recommended timeline, and will answer many questions you may have about post-secondary education.
U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services - "A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment"
This is a comprehensive guide that covers transition planning, legislation, education and employment goals, and preparation for adult life.​
If you are interested in learning more about the transition process, or getting more direct assistance in preparing for your post-secondary transition, please complete the form below. Be sure to provide me with specific questions or concerns you might have regarding the transition process as a whole, or specific to transitioning to post-secondary education.
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