Differences Between High School and College: What You Need to Know
There are several differences between high school and college. See the chart below for detailed information. Also, click on the PDF icon to the left for a more detailed explanation of the key differences between high school and college.
High School
case manager support; parents typically act as advocates for child
accommodations and modifications as necessary
special education classes and related services offered based on need
- burden of identification is on schools (child find)
- IDEA provides protections and procedural safeguards, like FAPE
- IEPs expire when students graduate from high school or age out at 22
- progress towards goals is monitored and shared with parents
Student must self-advocate
accommodations only & they vary by institution
student must provide appropriate documentation (requirements vary by institution)
student not automatically guaranteed accommodations/supports
Section 504 & ADA prevent discrimination
legal obligation of higher education institutions is minimal
students have to monitor their own progress; professors won't talk to parents because students are adults and are responsible for communicating needs